Friday, November 4, 2011

THIS Friday Night....

Throughout the year, fashion itself takes so many twists and turns.  During our normal everyday lives, we are expected to dress in a fashion that is both suitable and appropriate for our lifestyles.  For example, if your a broke college student (not referring to myself in any way ;), your not going to go strutting around campus in a Cinderella prom dress with Jimmy Choo diamond heels! I mean come on, everyone knows that's a HUGE fashion no no.  Halloween however, is the one day a year when all fashion norms are set to the side, and your aloud to be CRAZY, GOOFY,FUN,BOLD,GLAMOROUS, WHATEVER YOU WANT!  Now, this year in particular, I wanted to be Katy Perry! I mean SHE IS my style icon and I thought what better way to honor her crazy style than to actually BE her! Take a look!

The Big Bro and I, Halloween 2011

Halloween 2011

Katy and Lucy ha! The big sis and myself:)
Now, being Katy for a few nights was a blast, don't get me wrong, BUT I did see some other pretty special looking costumes, if ya know what I mean ;), so in light of that, I thought it'd be fun to count down  what thought were the best Halloween costumes for 2011!  Costumes go from frightening, to beautiful, to just plain weird...BUT check out what looks this year I THOUGHT were a hit!

5.  Rebbecca Black
If I ever hear the song Friday again, I think I will personally rip out my own ear drums and sell them online.  BUT, a hysterical costume, wish I would have taken a picture!  All you would need is a black wig, a microphone, a calender, and the ability to memorize three minutes of pure lyrical hell!  Props to you R. Black, you made my Halloween that much funnier.

4. George Washington
Gotta give HUGE props to my big bro for doing Halloween, colonial style.  Seriously, something so obvious, yet so creative, yet so hysterical.  The big bro showed up to our friend's Halloween party this year as our first president, complete with wig, ruffle, and of course, American Flag.  Go Team America!

3. The  Big Lebowski
One of my favorite movies of all time? Maybe. Do I not adore Jeff Bridges in basically every movie he even TOUCHES? Absolutely.  For those of you who haven't seen The Big Lebowski, its a cult classic not only starring the multi talented Jeff Bridges, but also stars like John Goodmann, Julianne Moore and Phillip Seymour Hoffmann make an appearance.  The movie itself takes you back to a time where the dude reigns supreme and Donny is clearly out of his element. The best part of this costume, is all you need is your old bathrobe, an overgrown beard, and some dirty boxers. 
2.A Shadow
Imagine someone following you around all night dressed in all black and always oddly enough, behind you.  On top of all that weirdness going on, imagine you don't even know the person...or do you? Their your shadow and its a cheap and easy way to give everyone a laugh this Halloween, or utterly disturb them.  I saw a few people doing that this year, and I just had to chuckle!

1. Alright, its the time we've all been waiting for, the most HYSTERICAL, CREATIVE, and INNOVATIVE costume I saw all Halloween, and the best part is this guy, didn't even know it...literally.  When approached to attend a Halloween party, this wonderful gentleman I had the pleasure of meeting, totally last minute and creatively found a beard, face paint, an old bathrobe, garbage bags and an old beanie and braved the streets, oh yeah, and did I mention he had a random cigarette? Anyways, I feel like the best part of the costume was that he literally was anything you wanted him to be because HE didn't even know what he was!  My interpretation? A homeless Gandolf, my sister's interpretation?...a gnome. Either way, you had to use your imagination to come up with ideas! 
Best Halloween Costume Award
In short, THANK YOU to all who braved the streets this year and got their freak on this Halloween! Not only did you give me an opportunity to write this glorious blog, but you gave me a look at new and creative fashion ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I agree about R.Black, i would rather drive a rusty railroad spike through my skull then here even a note of that terrible song.
